Lecture: Shaped by the past, current treatment concepts in total TMJ replacement

Hermann Kluge
Lecture: Shaped by the past, current treatment concepts in total TMJ replacementΟΜΙΛΙΑ
ΣΑΒΒΑΤΟ 25 Ιανουαριου
10:10- 11:10
Dr Hermann W Kluge qualified as a Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeon from the University of Pretoria, South Africa in 2006.
His qualifications include BChD(Pret), DipOdont(Oral Surgery)(Pret), MChD(ChirMax-Fac-Dent)(Pret) and FCMFOS(SA).
From 2006 until 2020 he held the position of Senior Specialist in the Department of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery at Pretoria Academical Hospital.
He is in private practice at Cintocare Hospital in Pretoria and shows a special interest in the fields of Facial Reconstruction, Head and Neck Oncology, Orthognatic Surgery and Implantology.
Dr Hermann W Kluge is a full member of the South African Society of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeons, Pretoria Head and Neck Multi-Disciplinary Team, South African Society of Dental Implantology and AO(CMF).
Outside of a busy practice he is a founding member and involved with developing of Cintocare, the first Specialized Head and Neck Hospital in Africa.
Shaped by the past, current treatment concepts in total TMJ replacement
The Journey through my first 100 total alloplastic joint cases
TMJ replacement presents unique problems because of the integral and complex roles the TMJ plays within the stomatognathic system by establishing and maintaining proper mandibular function and form.
Modern maxillofacial surgery is becoming impossible without having a clinically successful TMJ replacement available. Despite failures of past TMJ devices, recent advancements in material science and understanding of joint mechanics have made the modern versions of TMJ replacement a safe and effective option for the management of end-stage TMJ pathology.
Reconstruction by means of patient specific custom joint prosthetic TMJ devices has become the best therapeutic choice and provides a safe and viable alternative to stock joints.